History of the $100 Trillion Dollars banknote
Surely you have already seen the famous Zimbabwe 100 Trillion Dollars banknote, one of the highest denomination bills in history. But,...

What is inflation?
Inflation is an economic phenomenon that occurs in the economy of countries, in which the prices of goods and services that are marketed...

Brief History of the Vietnamese Dong
The word đồng (In this article we will use the word “Dong”, for simplicity) comes from bronze, the material with which pennies were made,...

Dawes Plan
From left to right: Edgar Allix, Mac Fadyean, Maurice Houtart, Emile Francqui, Charles G. Dawes, Federico Flora, Josiah C. Stamp, Alberto...

What is a Bond?
Bonds are debt instruments used by companies and private entities, as well as governments (or even groups of governments) of different...

Lung Tsing-U-Hai Railway Bond, 8%, 1921
Rare and Historic Bond issued by the Government of the Chinese Republic. It is the 8% Loan of 1921 for the Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway, payable

Lung Tsing-U-Hai Railway Bond, 8%, 1920
Government of the Republic of China. 500 Belgian Francs. Treasury Bond Bearing 8% interest. Authorized under a contract dated September 24,

Bank Industrial of China (Founder Action), 1913
Republic of China and France. Banque Industrielle de Chine. Bearer share certificate for 500 French Francs. The bank was a Sino-French joint

"Super-Petchili" Bond
Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway. £20 Sterling, 5% Gold Loan of 1913. Issued under a resolution of the National Assembly of Peking dated September 2